Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The IpChun 입춘 Tea Sale 2015

 Tea leaves at Dong Cheon Tea
Well, if you are looking for this tea sale, you are a little too late.  The Dong Cheon teas are sold out.  But don't despair. Contact me now to learn how you can pre-order some of Korea's best teas from their coming 2015 spring pick at prices below the prices you will find in Korea and learn about the 3 wonderful balhyochas we now have available. (see below)       
Happy IpChun Day 입춘! Good health, great fortune, and renewed vigor to all!  
One may ask the simple question, "What is IpChun Day?"
Korea's Solar seasons are divided into 24 special days. February 4 is/was IpChun or (입춘) 'And the Spring Comes' Day.
Thanks to a Facebook post by Brother Anthony I learned that today Feb 4 is/was “IpChun" (立春大吉 or 입춘대길 Ip chun dae gil).  Literally today (or rather Feb. 4th) is/was also known as “Spring comes down day”.  It may not feel like it where you live but it is now Spring on the Korean Solar Calendar.  Some say it is like Groundhogs Day in the USA.  It is a day for celebration and wishing each other good luck, renewed vigor and great fortune.  
IpChun also reminds me of another special day on the Korean Lunar Seasonal Calendar, “Gukwoo" the official tea picking day that normally falls on April 20.  So with IpChun here and Gukwoo coming sooner than we think I should bring you all some good fortune and celebrate with a tea sale on all remaining green teas in stock. That should also renew your vigor! 
This is not an ordinary tea sale.  This one breaks all my records and may never come again. (I'll delete this post after the sale.) It involves all of my remaining stock of Dong Cheon green teas.  The only green teas I stocked this year.  Dong Cheon Tea has the reputation for producing some of the best teas in Korea.  Don’t take my word for it.  Search the web for ‘Dong Cheon Tea’ to see what others are saying.  Dong Cheon Teas are all organically grown from older semi wild tea bushes.  The earlier picks are also hand picked, hand made and delicious.

 The hands of Ha Il Nam President of Dong Cheon Tea

You may also know that I don’t stock much tea.  So this sale in particular is a very rare occasion.
The question remains, “How can I have a tea sale of already discounted teas?”  Answer: Sell them at “Next Best Thing To Wholesale” (possibly below my cost).  Then give an extra bonus if customers also buy some balhyocha at our also low balhyocha prices.  
The Special Limited Sale Prices for our 2014 Dong Cheon GreenTeas are: Sorry  
                            List         Sale      W/Balhyo

Sejak      50g    25.00     xx.xx        xx.xx
         Jungjak   50g    18.00    
xx.xx        xx.xx         
Daejak    50g    15.00       x.xx          x.xx
Yip-cha    50g      8.00      x.xx          x.xx
(All teas are USD $ prices plus shipping)
Prices for this sale were removed at the end of the sale.
Our teas are often sold at or below their price in Korea.  

These three teas are Still Available
We still have wonderful balhyochas in stock!
Jeon Jae Yeon    40g      $16.00
Dosim Dawon     50g      $18.00
Yejeon                 40g      $20.00
Click here to learn more about the balhyochas.
Contact us now to learn more about all our teas and to be informed about our next special tea and teaware offering.

Mr. Kim and Mr. Ha of Dong Cheon Tea with Mr. Hong and Br, Anthony

This image is not to imply that either Mr. Hong or Br. Anthony, co authors of the Korean Way of Tea and Korean Tea Classics are endorsing Dong Cheon Teas only that they know each other and I thought it appropriate to show Br. Anthony in particular with the owners of Dong Cheon Tea since Br. Anthony's post on IpChun inspired this tea sale.